Spring Showers May Bring Home Hassles

Spring Showers May Bring Home Hassles

After a cold, dark winter most people look forward to the sights and sounds of the spring. But with the warmer months also comes the potential for heavy rains, which can lead to slippery driving and property damage. So, what can a homeowner do to help avoid the hassle...
How to Dog-Proof Your Car

How to Dog-Proof Your Car

One of our favorite nice weather activities is to get in the car, roll down the windows and hang your head out the window while you go for a ride. We’re talking about your dog of course! Unfortunately, dogs can be ruff on your car. Riding around in cars with dogs...
Clients LOVE Ribeiro DeSousa Insurance

Clients LOVE Ribeiro DeSousa Insurance

February is the month dedicated to celebrating LOVE for those special people in your life – Mom/Dad, Husband/Wife/Partner, Son/Daughter, and even us, Your Insurance Agent!! Yes, that’s right, Insurance Agent. Our clients express their love for us not only in...
Hypothermia – Prevention Tips

Hypothermia – Prevention Tips

Preventing hypothermia is important because it can be a life-threatening condition. Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it, causing your core body temperature to drop below the normal range (around 98.6°F or 37°C).  Preventing...
Winterizing Your Home – Inside and Out!

Winterizing Your Home – Inside and Out!

With temperatures falling across many parts of the country, it’s a good time to start thinking of preparing your home for harsh winter conditions like snow and ice. This process, called winterization, is usually performed in the fall before excessive cold arrives....